For years now we have gotten into this rut of re-electing people to Congress just because we were afraid that the "other Party" might beat out a newcomer. That produces lazy, corrupt, useless members of Congress like Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell and hundreds of others. This isn't limited to one party. They all become corrupt given enough time on Capital Hill. The average politician gets paid far too much money and has far too many perks to let them think about anything except getting re-elected. They posture and pander to the public with their lies of "how they are doing this or that", for America. In reality they are simply playing to the cameras and ignoring their constituents and pretty much doing whatever they damned well please.
We have long ago ceased to have persons in Congress who want to lead and do the right thing, whether or not it plays well for the cameras and newspapers. Time after time we see them making deals which violate the principle of their party and do a disservice to the nation. They spend our money like a drunken sailor and are never held accountable by the public.
Now you may ask, how they hell did we get in this situation? The answer is simple. It is your damned fault. Yes, you, the American voter, the one who failed to vote that Congressman or Senator out the last time he ran. You, the one who thinks because he/she passed one little bill that you liked but ignored the hundreds of other deals he/she made to screw you over, are responsible. You who failed to keep up on the news in Washington. You who knows more about sports stats on some stupid local team than you do about how Obamacare or the EPA is going to ruin your children's future. So right now at this very moment, please slap yourself. Don't for a minute think you are not responsible. Sure you might have voted for one new candidate last election, but did you talk your friends and family into voting the same way? Do you spend as much time at work discussing the realities of our government as you do babbling on about the latest movie or who won the big game yesterday?
So now the question is how do you fix this situation? It's pretty damned simple. Get involved with politics. You don't have to go campaign or make signs and go to rally's.You can simply spread the word. Embarrass your friends into getting involved by explaining to them why voting isn't a waste of time, it is their duty. Keep track of what is going on in DC. Write to your Congressman/Senator frequently and voice your displeasure. Quit believing for a minute that your vote doesn't count. You may think that it is only one vote, but that is where the danger lies. If 3 million people think that and then don't vote, guess what happens? Yeah, you end up with some dirt-bag, sleazeball, low life, career politician getting re-elected. Then you sit there and bitch about it saying "how could people vote for that guy?".
Now here are the good things that can happen if you get out there and vote:
- You could help to put a majority of conservatives into the Senate. Why is that important? Because then the House could actually impeach Obama and the Senate could try and convict him. Thereby booting his sorry ass out of our house in Washington DC. (Yeah that is OUR house, not his).
- We could possibly put the hammer down on the EPA and get folks back to mining coal, thereby creating lots of jobs.
- We could get the Keystone pipeline approved and create more jobs.
- We could begin to seriously drill for more offshore oil again. Once oil production is up we can tell the Middle-East nations to go screw themselves.
- Last but not least we could scare the hell out of career politicians. Maybe we could even encourage folks to not take up politics as a career. Since it is supposed to be a service not a permanent job.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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