Friday, April 4, 2014

Express yourself with your SSID, Obamacare Sux.

As a conservative we all hate Obamacare for numerous reasons. Whether it be the constitutionality of it or how poorly it was implemented or simply because it sucks. We have all read the polls about how other people feel about the program and well, to be quite frank I am sure that most of wish that the media would come ask our opinions directly.

 Well, thank goodness for the Internet and the wonders of wireless technology. You see, each and every one of us who have a wireless router at home or at our small business have our own little broadcast network. We can't say much, but we can use it to show our feelings about this flaming pile of dog excrement known as Obamacare.

 The key is that little thing known as your SSID. This morning I changed mine to read Obamacare Sux 01. I added the 01 because I am hoping folks will jump on the bandwagon with this idea and run with it and it will make mine easier to find. For the next few days or perhaps all week I would like to check my cell phone and tablet and see the Obamacare Sux SSID whenever I check for a wireless connection.

 This is a simple way you can express your viewpoint to everyone passing within 1000 or so feet of your house. So take 2 min and reset your SSID today.

 Note: I used the word Sux so there would be more room for a random number afterwards, in case all your neighbors change theirs also.  Okay, I admit it, Sux was just more catchy. You can click the image at the top of this article to view a full size image (and save it to post on Twitter and Facebook, etc). Use the hashtag: #obamacaresuxSSID .

 Pass the word and let your opinion be heard. Sharing this URL is encouraged. You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.

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