Today I watched Dinesh D'Souza's "America, imagine The World Without Her" The movie is quite thought provoking and does an excellent job of tearing down most, if not all, of the liberal, anti-american, socialist drivel being fed to our younger generation via the writings of folks like Howard Zinn.
The facts expressed in this movie destroy the liberal, anti-american myth. There isn't a lot of hype or yelling, just a calm stripping away of the commie myths of Americans committing genocide on the Indians, of Americans stealing Mexican land from Mexico and several of the other left-wing myths.
There is an incredible amount of history told in a very short period of time. This film should be required viewing in every high school in this country. I recommend buying it, downloading it or renting it. However you get it, make sure to share it with a liberal idiot. Make sure to show it to your children and friends.
I found it to be inspiring and eye opening.
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