Saturday, October 5, 2013

Congress is completely out of touch

The American public has had Obamacare shoved down it’s throat and yet the elite few in Congress {the Corruption Club} have their own version of healthcare that assures them subsidies while the rest of us pay their bills. This is more proof of the complete disconnection of those in DC from the public which they serve.
The shutdown showdown has shown that they are not willing to give up this perk even if it means shutting down the government. This is completely unacceptable behavior and should have the American people up in arms and screaming for blood. The truth however is that we are all focused on the blame game here rather than the real issue. We have allowed a select few people to run this country as they wish, without any repercussions for their ineptitude, greed and corruption.
The cure for all this? Term limits and voter awareness. Vote out the old and vote in the new. Insist that your candidates be in favor of term limits. It is that simple. It won’t work unless we spread the word and educate our friends and neighbors that they can make a difference and that they can take back control of the government.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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