As we all know, Washington, DC is a mess these days. We have a government shutdown, a new healthcare system with non-functional web sites and a bunch of folks in the corruption club and the Spite House that couldn’t agree on lunch much less deal with the bloated, insane, national budget. We have furloughed a huge number of federal employees but we are still paying them. We have monuments and memorials closed that previous to the shutdown required no government supervision but now apparently require barricades and security. We have a White House granting special privileges to future voter groups to use “closed” facilities while at the same time telling our Veterans to stay away from memorials that were erected to honor them. The list goes on and on of what amounts to complete chaos in DC, but there is someone out there worse than the idiot politicians and bureaucrats.
The worst group of non-essential, incompetent, mindless, closed-minded, pinheads is, you guessed it, the folks calling themselves journalists. The media, whether it be in print or on television has sadly failed to execute their job of reporting the news and asking the really, really hard questions. You know, the ones that put politicians on the defensive, the ones that make the politicians uncomfortable and eventually angry. The questions that really matter. The ones that point out the blatant disregard that the corrupt morons in DC have for the American public. The ones that hit them where they hurt and expose the cretins in DC for who they really are.
Instead we have a press that spoon feeds the politicians the questions designed to elicit the answers that serve the agenda of whatever press outfit we are dealing with. They should be doing what the 1st amendment was created for and that is getting the people angry by reporting the facts. Let people know when these public servants step out of line, catch them and expose every lie. Do not worry about the outcome. The press is supposed to enlighten the public no matter whose reputation is destroyed. It’s okay, you folks report it honestly and truthfully and we voters will take it from there. But by golly when you twits in the media continue to spoon feed both sides of the issues with what you think your audience wants to hear, you have failed miserably at what used to be on honorable profession. The current media is, to put it mildly, a propaganda machine that feeds info out based on the party it is affiliated with. The news story that the shutdown could have been averted if the corruption club had merely agreed to get rid of their subsidies for Obamacare barely got any coverage. Did you people in the media really think that we didn’t notice this one? These morons shut down the government because when it came right down to it, they were not willing to give up a perk. This folks, is news, this is a topic which should have been the subject of every interview conducted with every single idiot in DC. Why didn’t you ask the hard question: “Why do you folks feel that you are above the law? Why should you get any different treatment than any other American citizen? “. Where was the outrage? Where were the headlines that screamed, “Corrupt DC politicians insist on being treated differently than the taxpayers they serve!”. To paraphrase Vince Lombardi, what the hell is going on out there! Nobody is reporting!
The press could also stand to do a little more proofreading and actual research when they publish/report a story. They have these things called spell-check and Google nowadays folks. When I hear a reporter call a magazine for a gun a clip, it makes me cringe and ignore them immediately, because they are using the wrong terms. Most of the items I hear that are reported incorrectly are things that should be common knowledge but apparently are not anymore. Do they teach anything in school anymore? Just curious on that issue. Maybe someone could do a report on what they actually teach in journalism class?
Last but not least, could you folks in the media please keep your opinion out of the news? Please stick to reporting the news. Tell us who,what,where,how,when and why. That’s all we need. We can take it from there. Believe it or not folks, you journalists are not the only ones with a brain, most Americans can do quite nicely without your opinions. Thanks.
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