Yesterday Chris Wallace on Fox news reported that he was stunned that he was supplied opposition research on Sen. Ted Cruz by none other than some of the Senator’s fellow republicans. This tells us more of the real story of what is going on in Washington, DC. What we have is no longer a two-party system, but an us versus them system. What are they? The established, old party (both), entrenched, long serving miscreants who occupy most of the seats in Congress. They have zero regard for the public to which they are supposed to represent and their primary concern is to make money and get re-elected.
Once in a while these idiots pass some legislation that does something, but for the most part they fight with each other, keep us looking in the wrong direction and slip in all sorts of laws that pretty much fund their friends and relatives bank accounts. They are loath to cut any government program lest they lose votes and kickbacks. They are all working for the major lobbyists and reaping the rewards of being in their elected positions.
That brings us to the Ted Cruz controversy. These folks released dirt on a fellow Senator, from their own party in order to help discredit him. Why would they do that? Why not is the real question. You see, Mr Cruz is a Tea Party Senator elected by the people and not one of those who have been at the feeding trough in DC forever. He is what the establishment hates, a new guy who is getting things done. He is walking, talking, proof that you do not have to be in Washington, DC forever to get things done. He is proof that replacing these old bastards just might get something changed in DC. He is upsetting the apple cart. He and fellow Senator Rand Paul scare the hell out of both sides of the Washington establishment. They are proof to us the voter that we can vote these dirt-bags out and get someone in to their seats who actually listens to the people.
Now is the time for the rest of us to quit fighting over being a republican or a democrat and start hiring people for Washington, DC who actually work for us. The two-party system has distracted the public forever now and we can see the final results. No budgets, Obamacare, welfare and food stamp programs out of control, the economy running downhill, over-regulation. Both sides of the aisle are responsible for this crap because if you check the voting records of these guys , both sides voted for a lot of these laws. They have consistently used the media and the public hysteria to increase the number of regulations on citizens and businesses. This is all about control folks. This is about an elite few staying in power and excluding all newcomers from their little corruption club.
In the next election cycle you can make the difference. Don’t listen to what these folks currently in office tell you. They will tell you all sorts of wonderful lies about how they saved this program or saved that one. What they won’t mention is what they didn’t do because they were afraid of not getting re-elected or making one of their controlling lobbyists angry. Do not buy into the crap that you have to be in DC for years to learn the system! Replace the system! Vote all these entrenched, overpaid, corrupt,scumbags out of office! Yeah, I know we might lose one honest one along they way, but that’s a small price for throwing out the other 534 rotten tomatoes. It is us versus them and we have the bigger stick. Just get out their and vote.
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