Sunday, September 8, 2013

There are storm clouds on the horizon and it doesn’t look pretty.

0616 Hrs. 17Aug2013:  It’s rather early and there are storm clouds outside and the rumble of thunder in the distance. The thunder serves to warn us of the impending approach of heavy weather and possible destruction,  much the same as the news we see on TV and on the Internet should be warning us of impending disaster in our country. Things are not all rosy here in these United States. We have a looming problem that like a small hailstone is growing as we ignore the warnings.
Our government is out of control, out of hand and is slowly becoming an enemy of the people. Violations of our constitution are rampant and all too often, common occurrence. If you are not familiar with the constitution feel free to get a copy right here. It is relatively small and very easy to read. It was written not for lawyers but for the people. It is a simple elegant document that lays out the framework for a nation, a framework that puts most of the burden of law making upon the states. Today however, the federal government has become a burdensome dinosaur that has evolved into a monster seemingly beyond our control as individuals. While that is not the case, because we can still vote the idiots in Washington, DC out of office, it does at times appear to be a monster that cannot be defeated. We must however, heed the warnings. Unless we act soon, our nation will head down the into the depths only to be consumed by those who would destroy it.
We have a Congress that is ineffective at best and lacks leadership in both Houses. They spend a lot of television air time jockeying for political advantage as they accomplish nothing.  They lie to us so often that we have simply come to accept the fact that they are all crooked, corrupt liars. This is not okay! This is unacceptable! These people work for us and deserve no more respect than any other employee in America. Contrary to their own opinion of themselves, these people are not due any special treatment whatsoever. No perks, no exceptions from the laws that all the rest of us must follow. Let me repeat this slowly, they are not any better than you or I, they deserve no breaks and should be held to the highest of standards. They serve at the will of the people not the other way around. Below is a small list of chores our Congress has recently failed to complete or failed at completely.
  • Investigation into the IRS scandal – How long does it take to get some documents and why are they not following up on the FBI investigation? Score:fail
  • Investigation into Benghazi – Get a list of witnesses, bring them all in and find out what the hell happened. Drag Hillary Clinton in and grill her until she talks. Score:fail
  • Oversight of NSA spying on American Citizens – This one is simply a failure from day one. No matter what the security experts tell us. No matter what the dangers are. There is absolutely no reason on earth that the 4th amendment of the constitution of the United States should be ignored. Let’s review that amendment here: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Wow, not a who lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, it just says you can’t search my stuff without a warrant and you need probable cause to get one. The NSA is not getting a warrant for each and every telephone account they record, nor for each and every email account they look at. You can’t simply use the excuse that “there are terrorists out there and we must do this to protect our citizens!”, that just doesn’t fly. You can’t simply ignore the 4th amendment because it would get in the way of doing your job. The Congress has failed to protect our rights on this one and if for no other reason, each and every one of these dirt-bags needs to be voted out of his/her office and sent home.
  • Congress gets a pass on Obamacare? – This is once again, unacceptable. They are employees and we are their employer. How dare they pass a law, which in and of itself is a nightmare, then expect themselves to be somehow above the law? I call bullshit on this one. I am sorry dirt-bags, this applies to you idiots also. You passed it, you live with it. Another reason to vote each and everyone of these folks out of office.
Next we have our President who has issued numerous executive orders that are not really within his power and that border on outright constitutional violations. His complete disregard for the constitution is evident on a weekly if not daily basis. He has repeatedly lied to the people and been involved with the obfuscation of Congressional investigations. Below is a short list:
  • He cited “Executive Privilege” when Congress was attempting to gain access to documents in the Fast and Furious investigation. Congress was denied access to thousands of documents that would probably have shed light on Eric Holder’s involvement in the scandal. This was a clear attempt to hide information from Congress.
  • He helped his fellow cronies in Congress weasel their way out of being covered by Obamacare. This was and still is a case of not enforcing the law which under the Constitution he is required to do.
  • He thought he could unilaterally issue an extension to large companies for compliance with Obamacare, when only Congress may do this. “He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.” 
  • He has repeatedly lied to the American public in reference to the NSA spying scandal and has failed to insure that the investigation into the IRS targeting scandal gets anywhere.
  • His failure to respond to the Benghazi attack on our consulate and to make sure the situation was properly investigated is at the least dereliction of duty. His story to both the public and the UN and in various other speeches that referenced a video and a protest were just outright lies. We know now that there was no protest and virtually no one saw the video in question until after the administration made constant references to it.
That brings us to the most dangerous group that endangers our way of life. The American people themselves. We are becoming a nation of apathetic, under-informed,spineless jellyfish. We are far too concerned with not offending people. Hell, it is our right to offend people! That is why we have freedom of speech. We don’t have to agree with all opinions, but everyone damned sure has the right to express theirs. No one however has the right to suppress those who have differing views. Below is a short list of politically correct insanity:
  • Number one is bowing to the wishes of the Muslims. They want to live here, they will have to learn to deal with our laws and our traditions. This crap with worrying about calling them terrorists is utter nonsense. The radical Islamists are terrorists and that is that. They follow a creed of spreading their religion via violence and a system of intolerance.
  • Number two is our liberal mainstream media. They have an agenda and no longer report the news but skew it to fit their tree hugging intolerant, liberal viewpoints. I am sorry but it is not okay to ignore a story because you are afraid that Al Sharpton will call you a racist. If a person commits a crime, report it. Worry about people’s feelings later.
  • Voting. Yeah, you remember that right? Use it! For years now we have kept electing the same corrupt, backstabbing, low life dirt-bags back into Congress. Do yourself a favor, vote for the new guy. I am tired of the excuse that usually reads like this: “they are all the same, nothing will change”. That is a load of horse manure and YOUknow it. Putting the same stupid, corrupt bastards back in office year after year, will never fix the problem. Do something, vote, change things and slap your neighbor if he/she doesn’t vote!
  • Write your congressman/congresswoman and let them know how you feel. It only takes a second to send an email. Remind them that they work for you. I prefer to start my emails with “Dear Employee“, it reminds them of who they work for.
  • Last but not least we all need to lighten up. It is perfectly acceptable to make fun of the President, whether he is black or white. It is your freedom to express yourself as you wish as it pertains to those in power. The moment you start censoring yourself or others for their comments the intolerant left wingers have won. They have successfully caused you to give up your right to free speech. That is how dictatorships operate. They make you fear to express yourself and soon after institute a policy of reporting on “suspicious neighbors”.
The storm clouds are coming folks. The warnings are there. If we don’t take action now, we may have to take other, less desirable action later. Get involved, fight back and do not ever accept “security” as a reason to give up your rights.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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