Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It is no longer about Dems versus Repubs, its about “Them” versus us.

Yesterday Chris Wallace on Fox news reported that he was stunned that he was supplied opposition research on Sen. Ted Cruz by none other than some of the Senator’s fellow republicans. This tells us more of the real story of what is going on in Washington, DC. What we have is no longer a two-party system, but an us versus them system. What are they? The established, old party (both), entrenched, long serving miscreants who occupy most of the seats in Congress. They have zero regard for the public to which they are supposed to represent and their primary concern is to make money and get re-elected.
Once in a while these idiots pass some legislation that does something, but for the most part they fight with each other, keep us looking in the wrong direction and slip in all sorts of laws that pretty much fund their friends and relatives bank accounts. They are loath to cut any government program lest they lose votes and kickbacks. They are all working for the major lobbyists and reaping the rewards of being in their elected positions.
That brings us to the Ted Cruz controversy. These folks released dirt on a fellow Senator, from their own party in order to help discredit him. Why would they do that? Why not is the real question. You see, Mr Cruz is a Tea Party Senator elected by the people and not one of those who have been at the feeding trough in DC forever. He is what the establishment hates, a new guy who is getting things done. He is walking, talking, proof that you do not have to be in Washington, DC forever to get things done. He is proof that replacing these old bastards just might get something changed in DC. He is upsetting the apple cart. He and fellow Senator Rand Paul scare the hell out of both sides of the Washington establishment. They are proof to us the voter that we can vote these dirt-bags out and get someone in to their seats who actually listens to the people.
Now is the time for the rest of us to quit fighting over being a republican or a democrat and start hiring people for Washington, DC who actually work for us. The two-party system has distracted the public forever now and we can see the final results. No budgets, Obamacare, welfare and food stamp programs out of control, the economy running downhill, over-regulation. Both sides of the aisle are responsible for this crap because if you check the voting records of these guys , both sides voted for a lot of these laws. They have consistently used the media and the public hysteria to increase the number of regulations on citizens and businesses. This is all about control folks. This is about an elite few staying in power and excluding all newcomers from their little corruption club.
In the next election cycle you can make the difference. Don’t listen to what these folks currently in office tell you. They will tell you all sorts of wonderful lies about how they saved this program or saved that one. What they won’t mention is what they didn’t do because they were afraid of not getting re-elected or making one of their controlling lobbyists angry. Do not buy into the crap that you have to be in DC for years to learn the system! Replace the system! Vote all these entrenched, overpaid, corrupt,scumbags out of office! Yeah, I know we might lose one honest one along they way, but that’s a small price for throwing out the other 534 rotten tomatoes. It is us versus them and we have the bigger stick. Just get out their and vote.
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It is almost October and guess what? Incompetence Rules in DC

So here we go again. The bums in Congress who feed off the American taxpayer and do almost nothing to justify their existence are at it again. Turning the debt ceiling fight into the usual political drivel that occurs every year. The President and democrats will blame the republicans and the Republicans will blame the President and the democrats. They will maneuver and talk and have meetings and as usual do nothing until the last minute.
It is not like they didn’t see this coming. It happens every year and the results are predictably the same incredibly embarrassing mess that occur when those who are in charge are basically incompetent. Nothing gets done, nothing is resolved and the budget stays a complete disaster. The representatives and senators in DC use this time to get plenty of television exposure as they relay to us their plans for what to do about the impending government shutdown. We hear from the pundits who tell us the horrors of a government shutdown and how millions of folks will be affected by this doomsday scenario, which of course, congress could have avoided by doing their damned jobs on time and without politics and pet projects being the underlying reason to accomplish what we pay them to do.
The bottom line here is that we have an entrenched establishment of long time political incompetents on the payroll that we, as voters, have failed to fire. If these folks worked directly for us as employees they would have been on unemployment years ago. Instead we continue to think that maybe the replacements will be worse.
News flash here folks. Even if we elected an entire congress of brain-dead cantaloupes we would still be better off! So the next time you step into that polling booth do all of us a favor and fire the current son of a bitch that is there and vote for someone, anyone, else. Vote for Tea Party candidates, vote for that young guy or gal down the street that you know doesn’t have any “Washington, DC Experience“. When you do that and your neighbors do that and your friends do that, you will in some way shift the balance in Congress from the current idiots to new faces who will once again fear those masses of voters. Ignore the media because the talking heads on TV really don’t know crap. They are just in the business of telling you what some political group feeds them.
It is time to clean house in Washington, DC and replace the low-life dirt-bag scum currently occupying those seats with people who will answer to the public and live each and every day in fear of their jobs at the mercy of the most powerful force in America, the voters.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Press and Politicians Will Scream for Gun Control, but lets check the facts first.

The very recent shooting at the Washington, DC Naval Shipyard was a tragedy. That is a fact. The gunman was Aaron Alexis, a contractor doing work for the Navy, that is a fact. Several weapons were used in the shooting, that is a fact. From there on things get a bit fuzzy. According to NBC News:“The gunman was armed with an assault-style rifle, a shotgun and a handgun when he was killed, authorities said. But law enforcement officials told NBC News they believed he arrived packing only the shotgun, which he bought last week from a gun dealer in Lorton, Va., about 20 miles from Washington.”.
So before those gun control folks start screaming about how terrible assault rifles and handguns are they better damn well check the facts. At the present time the scenario appears to be that the suspect arrived carrying a “Joe Biden approved” shotgun. That is after all, the weapon that Mr. Biden recommended to those of us who wish to defend ourselves isn’t it? So before the Piers Morgans of the mainstream media start screaming for gun control and the evils of assault rifles, they just need to shut the hell up and wait for all the details to surface from this investigation.
The fact that the shooting was in a gun free zone certainly makes clear how laughable these zones are. A simple law or sign written at the request of some regulatory body, does not ever stop a person on a quest to do others harm. Funny thing, we don’t have “knife free zones” and yet several thousand folks are killed each year via knives. We don’t have “club free” or “baseball bat free zones” either and yet these weapons also kill people. The press will scream for more gun control but lets check the latest stats from the FBI (2011 stats are the latest I could find).
  • Murder by rifle: 323
  • Murders by knife: 1694
  • Murders by club or blunt instrument: 496
  • Murders by hands,feet, fists,etc: 728
Legislation and the press will not stop these shootings. The root cause is a problem with people. I have no clue how to fix that issue because I am simply not qualified to fix humanity. These shootings are sort of like airline accidents. When a boatload (okay a planeload) of folks die at once, we get all concerned about airline safety, procedures and training while we just ignore the day-to-day carnage on the highways due to lack of training, safety and procedures. We ignore those folks who get stabbed or beaten to death, because those killings simply don’t attract national press. One or two at a time is considered acceptable. However, when you get 10+ folks dead by whatever means, it becomes a feeding frenzy for the scavengers in the media. They descend upon the scene like rabid dogs and gloat in the limelight of the television cameras lens. What they don’t do is really put the story in perspective. They don’t report, they preach. They show us the sound bites and video clips that purport to tell us the whole story, as they distort, ignore and bend the facts to give the public their version of events.
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Friday, September 13, 2013

As Syria Controversy Settles, Benghazi Returns to Spotlight

The Benghazi attack of Sept. 11th, 2012 is once again gaining some traction in the news media as we still wait for answers from the White House and the CIA on what really happened there on the evening that saw 4 Americans die and our consulate burned. The Syrian crisis is on hold for now and the White House distraction of the last 2 weeks has run its course. That little foray into diplomacy by threat of bombs didn’t go well and left the President looking rather amateurish in his bumbling efforts to put those Syrians in line. The truth is he was outplayed by Vladimir Putin in a game of political/international chess.
This week we began to hear more about a CIA operation running guns to Syrian rebels out of Libya. It appears that the latest operation was abandoned when Islamic radicals stole weapons from a site in Libya. The question now is how that gun running mission was tied to the consulate in Benghazi, if at all. Of course it does appear odd that a consulate would have approximately 2 dozen CIA folks running about if not for some sort of major operation. That seems a much more plausible reason for the Libyan attack.
The CIA has announced that 20 of their folks will finally be available to testify before Congress in the upcoming weeks. Perhaps then we may get some final confirmation on the fact that this was an attack and not a protest that got out of hand. Then we need to start grilling folks at the White House and State Department to see who came up with the outright, bold-faced lie about some video being the reason that 4 people died in Benghazi. Perhaps then they can also explain why they continued this lie for more than 2 weeks when the preponderance of evidence clearly showed otherwise.
Maybe we can get some answers. I for one have no clue why this whole situation has taken so long to resolve. The American people deserve the truth and Congress has shown that, at best, it is just as incompetent and bumbling as the White House. It is all political in nature of course and that is the real problem in Washington, DC. When politics comes before doing the right thing truth becomes a casualty and justice becomes lost in a haze of news conferences and maneuvering as politicians seeks to score political points and forget the real reason that they exist. Our servants in DC all need a reminder of who they work for and that job performance is directly tied to their continued employment. Unfortunately the media is complicit in this whole mess because reporting is more about rating than getting to the truth.
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Colorado Reminds Us That We Can Change Things

Very often we all sit around complaining about the folks in government. We don’t like what they do, we hate their policies, etc, etc. The problem of course is that we feel helpless to change things. Yesterday the state of Colorado reminded us that we can replace politicians even after they are elected. By simply voting, we can remove those who think they know best and ignore the will of those whom they represent.
  The numbers and the reasons in Colorado are actually irrelevant. The results however were not only stunning but a real kick in the ass to politicians all over this country. Hopefully Americans watched and learned from this example. If you do not like a politician, don’t whine, go vote! I have said for years that Americans need to adopt a policy of “voting the bastards out”. No matter how good a politician appears to be, no matter what good deeds he/she has performed, they always, without exception, need to be replaced. It prevents the behavior we saw in Colorado, where these two politicians forgot that they were simply “employees” of the people and voted for what they themselves thought was best. That simply isn't the way it is supposed to work and in this case they were fired for it. Removing people from office by voting them out is logical and the correct thing to do, every time. There are no “good” politicians just less corrupt ones. If they do not have term limits, as a voter it is your job to simply move on and elect the other guy. You would be amazed at the changes that would happen to this country if you and I could train these people to understand that getting elected simply isn’t a guarantee of a lifetime job.
So the next time someone says their vote doesn’t count, remind them about Colorado. Remind them, that it is politicians who perpetuate the lie that “your vote doesn’t count”. Never, ever forget that those in office deserve the same respect that any other “servant” does. They serve at YOUR discretion and they need to pay closer attention to the will of their employers.
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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Barack Houdini Obama is a Master of Misdirection.

We have all seen magicians at work. They create their illusions by simple misdirection. It’s very easy and when done right it is amazingly effective. The magician uses mostly visual misdirection but the spoken word can be just as effective. This brings us to the genius in the White House and his assistants. Mr. Barack Houdini Obama has pulled off an amazing trick and we are all the suckers who have bought into it. Just take a look at any news site or news channel.
A little over a week ago the internet and the news agencies were buzzing with stories on the various scandals in Washington, DC. The IRS targeting scandal was beginning to lead right to the steps of the White House. The NSA scandal proved with each press release that the President and his Director of National Intelligence were both fluent liars. The buzz on Fast and Furious was dying a bit, but there was the occasional post on the internet and maybe a weekly story on the major news outlets. Benghazi was still at the forefront of many people’s minds and was covered with regularity on Fox News and on many conservative web sites. Then some idiot in Syria decided to use some chemical weapons…
Yesterday and today I paid close attention to the news and the internet and guess what I found? There was zero stories on any of the major scandals affecting the White House. Fox News was chock full of stories on Syria, on Congress and how they should vote on Syria, on experts telling us what to target in Syria. The same held true for NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN. MSNBC was, as usual, doing stories on some unrelated liberal, left-wing, communist, crap, that no one cares about anyway. As for all the scandals, the silence was deafening.
Now how did we get to this sorry state of affairs? Well, Obama pulled a fast one on everyone. The usually timid, anti-war, clueless president suddenly said “I want to bomb Syria!”. Whoa!, we all responded, shouting about his tyrannical behavior and his decision to unilaterally go after a sovereign nation without Congressional approval. That really got the attention of both the mainstream and the conservative media outlets. It also got every member of Congress to wake up yelling “you need to get permission from us first!”. That got the attention of the press, as the pundits spoke about constitutional issues and the internet buzzed with posts about bombing Syria or don’t bomb Syria. The hills were alive with the sound of concern (sorry, not music), about the consequences of intervention in Syria. How will the Iranians and Russians and Turks and well, everyone on earth, react? What might happen to our allies in Israel? Then we got all the media and the public more confused when Obama announced that he would see what Congress had to say via a vote. Then we had news agencies feeding us stories about those bad Syria rebels or those poor dead Syrian children. It was a pretty crazy week. Most of us don’t know what to think, although I believe the majority of Americans just don’t want to get involved in another war with a bunch of ungrateful bastards who won’t ever thank us anyway.
So Obama then spends his weekend doing this G20 conference in Russia and the news is all over the meeting between the President and Mr. Putin. There is much speculation as to how that will turn out, but we are all disappointed when Putin doesn’t ask Obama to go out back and have a good old fist fight. Nonetheless, the G20 sucks up hours and hours of news coverage time. Now Congress will return this week and maybe after a lot of meetings and backroom deals they will vote on this “bomb Syria” idea. The situation of course will be covered by reporters far and wide and nary a minute’s coverage will be spent on news like the government violating your fourth amendment rights on a daily basis or the IRS looking to screw some political opponent of the present regime. No we will see hours of expert reports on the in and outs of blowing stuff up in a country that most of us really don’t give a shit about. The President will look good no matter which way the vote goes and will either blame Congress for being weak on foreign policy or praise them for following his great wisdom.
And that my friends is how you perform freaking magic. In about one week our attention has been totally diverted from impeachable scandals of an incompetent administration to the bombing of some god forsaken desert country that 3 weeks ago none of us gave a crap about. After all, the first 100,000 casualties barely caused a stir in the media. The misdirection is complete and was exceedingly effective. Look at what has been posted recently on the internet.
Poof! scandals are gone and getting the media to shift gears back to them is going to be a slow process. That means that Congress will also lose interest and hearings may or may not continue. It really was one amazingly fantastic trick and I give the S.O.B. in the White House some credit.
Now that the show is almost over, we need to get back to getting the answers to all those questions that were a high priority a few weeks back: Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, the NSA.
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The government wants you to comply, but they will settle for your kid’s blind obedience.

The government is full of politicians and bureaucrats who want to run your life. They would like to control every aspect of it because after all these folks believe they are smarter than us. What they actually believe in their tiny, arrogant, pea-brained minds, is that we are stupid. They have found over the years that some of us, the ones called adults, are a bit harder to manipulate than those with less life experience who tend to believe what our elders and teachers tell us. That is where the insidious monster known as indoctrination starts to weave its web of lies, deceit and just plain old brainwashing.
Lets go back to the 1950′s and remember our old pals in the Soviet Union. They ran their country via a system that taught children from day one that the state should decide all things for them. They taught that loyalty to the state was all important and not to be questioned. They were in fact so afraid of outside influences that their media was tightly controlled and when their citizens traveled it was generally in a group with a political commissar to watch over them and steer them clear of western influences. Their children were taught from day one never to question their government for it knew best and provided all the needs of the citizens. The kids were pretty easily influenced until outside sources of information like “Radio Free Europe” and music and cultural exchange began to rock the boat. For nearly 70 years the communist dictators of the Soviet Union ran the lives of their citizens with what amounted to an iron fist.
Now lets jump to the present tense and to the USA. The folks my age (over 50) are pretty much familiar with communism and the dark ages of the Soviet Union. We won’t ever buy that the government can do anything well let alone not screw up virtually anything it touches. Most of us understand that: those who can,doThose who can’t,teach. Those who can’t do or teach, become politicians. The current adult generation, those in their late 20′s to late thirties are pretty hard to re-indoctrinate also. Most of them have been schooled at a time when at least some of history was taught to students. That history probably even included the constitution and the founding fathers and that nasty business known as slavery and the civil war and maybe even the concentration camps that we put Japanese citizens in during World War II.
Now however comes the current generation of young Americans and they are being spoon fed the biggest load of absolute crap ever written by mankind. They are being taught that everyone deserves a piece of the pie and that sharing is the only way to go. You should feel ashamed to be successful because its unfair for you to have more stuff than those who were not successful. Now us older folks know what that line of crap is called. It is communism, plain and simple. You get what you earn, not what the government decides is your fair share. But the apologists in the government who want to please everyone and make life fair for everyone just don’t get it. They shake their heads when we tell them they are wrong to be encouraging people to live on government handouts. They realize they won’t be able to change us, but they are working on your kids already.
The nanny state idiots and the proliferation of left-wing liberal teachers is the real danger to the America we used to know and love. The one that rewarded success with praise and taught that individualism was more important than any group or government. That freedom meant questioning everything and trusting no one, no matter what their position. Now we have teachers handing out quizzes to kids that refer to the government as family? We have the NSA indoctrinating our kids with their very own kids page. We have senators, congressmen and governors all telling us what to eat and what is “bad” for us. Your children are being taught not to question authority. That is simply wrong. That is what Stalin and Hitler taught to their youngest followers. Not questioning authority leads to dictatorships and tyranny.
Welcome to the new State. Where allegiance is pledged to the state, not the country. Where children are taught not to question their government. Where those who do question are radicals. People need to get really angry about this stuff. Demand that teachers and administrators who perpetuate this drivel be fired immediately. Demand your legislators work against this. Do not accept it, because then you become complicit in the travesty. Read your children’s history books and make sure they aren’t feeding them a line of bullshit! Teach them that above all else freedom is first and questioning authority is their duty. Get involved.
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There are storm clouds on the horizon and it doesn’t look pretty.

0616 Hrs. 17Aug2013:  It’s rather early and there are storm clouds outside and the rumble of thunder in the distance. The thunder serves to warn us of the impending approach of heavy weather and possible destruction,  much the same as the news we see on TV and on the Internet should be warning us of impending disaster in our country. Things are not all rosy here in these United States. We have a looming problem that like a small hailstone is growing as we ignore the warnings.
Our government is out of control, out of hand and is slowly becoming an enemy of the people. Violations of our constitution are rampant and all too often, common occurrence. If you are not familiar with the constitution feel free to get a copy right here. It is relatively small and very easy to read. It was written not for lawyers but for the people. It is a simple elegant document that lays out the framework for a nation, a framework that puts most of the burden of law making upon the states. Today however, the federal government has become a burdensome dinosaur that has evolved into a monster seemingly beyond our control as individuals. While that is not the case, because we can still vote the idiots in Washington, DC out of office, it does at times appear to be a monster that cannot be defeated. We must however, heed the warnings. Unless we act soon, our nation will head down the into the depths only to be consumed by those who would destroy it.
We have a Congress that is ineffective at best and lacks leadership in both Houses. They spend a lot of television air time jockeying for political advantage as they accomplish nothing.  They lie to us so often that we have simply come to accept the fact that they are all crooked, corrupt liars. This is not okay! This is unacceptable! These people work for us and deserve no more respect than any other employee in America. Contrary to their own opinion of themselves, these people are not due any special treatment whatsoever. No perks, no exceptions from the laws that all the rest of us must follow. Let me repeat this slowly, they are not any better than you or I, they deserve no breaks and should be held to the highest of standards. They serve at the will of the people not the other way around. Below is a small list of chores our Congress has recently failed to complete or failed at completely.
  • Investigation into the IRS scandal – How long does it take to get some documents and why are they not following up on the FBI investigation? Score:fail
  • Investigation into Benghazi – Get a list of witnesses, bring them all in and find out what the hell happened. Drag Hillary Clinton in and grill her until she talks. Score:fail
  • Oversight of NSA spying on American Citizens – This one is simply a failure from day one. No matter what the security experts tell us. No matter what the dangers are. There is absolutely no reason on earth that the 4th amendment of the constitution of the United States should be ignored. Let’s review that amendment here: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Wow, not a who lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, it just says you can’t search my stuff without a warrant and you need probable cause to get one. The NSA is not getting a warrant for each and every telephone account they record, nor for each and every email account they look at. You can’t simply use the excuse that “there are terrorists out there and we must do this to protect our citizens!”, that just doesn’t fly. You can’t simply ignore the 4th amendment because it would get in the way of doing your job. The Congress has failed to protect our rights on this one and if for no other reason, each and every one of these dirt-bags needs to be voted out of his/her office and sent home.
  • Congress gets a pass on Obamacare? – This is once again, unacceptable. They are employees and we are their employer. How dare they pass a law, which in and of itself is a nightmare, then expect themselves to be somehow above the law? I call bullshit on this one. I am sorry dirt-bags, this applies to you idiots also. You passed it, you live with it. Another reason to vote each and everyone of these folks out of office.
Next we have our President who has issued numerous executive orders that are not really within his power and that border on outright constitutional violations. His complete disregard for the constitution is evident on a weekly if not daily basis. He has repeatedly lied to the people and been involved with the obfuscation of Congressional investigations. Below is a short list:
  • He cited “Executive Privilege” when Congress was attempting to gain access to documents in the Fast and Furious investigation. Congress was denied access to thousands of documents that would probably have shed light on Eric Holder’s involvement in the scandal. This was a clear attempt to hide information from Congress.
  • He helped his fellow cronies in Congress weasel their way out of being covered by Obamacare. This was and still is a case of not enforcing the law which under the Constitution he is required to do.
  • He thought he could unilaterally issue an extension to large companies for compliance with Obamacare, when only Congress may do this. “He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.” 
  • He has repeatedly lied to the American public in reference to the NSA spying scandal and has failed to insure that the investigation into the IRS targeting scandal gets anywhere.
  • His failure to respond to the Benghazi attack on our consulate and to make sure the situation was properly investigated is at the least dereliction of duty. His story to both the public and the UN and in various other speeches that referenced a video and a protest were just outright lies. We know now that there was no protest and virtually no one saw the video in question until after the administration made constant references to it.
That brings us to the most dangerous group that endangers our way of life. The American people themselves. We are becoming a nation of apathetic, under-informed,spineless jellyfish. We are far too concerned with not offending people. Hell, it is our right to offend people! That is why we have freedom of speech. We don’t have to agree with all opinions, but everyone damned sure has the right to express theirs. No one however has the right to suppress those who have differing views. Below is a short list of politically correct insanity:
  • Number one is bowing to the wishes of the Muslims. They want to live here, they will have to learn to deal with our laws and our traditions. This crap with worrying about calling them terrorists is utter nonsense. The radical Islamists are terrorists and that is that. They follow a creed of spreading their religion via violence and a system of intolerance.
  • Number two is our liberal mainstream media. They have an agenda and no longer report the news but skew it to fit their tree hugging intolerant, liberal viewpoints. I am sorry but it is not okay to ignore a story because you are afraid that Al Sharpton will call you a racist. If a person commits a crime, report it. Worry about people’s feelings later.
  • Voting. Yeah, you remember that right? Use it! For years now we have kept electing the same corrupt, backstabbing, low life dirt-bags back into Congress. Do yourself a favor, vote for the new guy. I am tired of the excuse that usually reads like this: “they are all the same, nothing will change”. That is a load of horse manure and YOUknow it. Putting the same stupid, corrupt bastards back in office year after year, will never fix the problem. Do something, vote, change things and slap your neighbor if he/she doesn’t vote!
  • Write your congressman/congresswoman and let them know how you feel. It only takes a second to send an email. Remind them that they work for you. I prefer to start my emails with “Dear Employee“, it reminds them of who they work for.
  • Last but not least we all need to lighten up. It is perfectly acceptable to make fun of the President, whether he is black or white. It is your freedom to express yourself as you wish as it pertains to those in power. The moment you start censoring yourself or others for their comments the intolerant left wingers have won. They have successfully caused you to give up your right to free speech. That is how dictatorships operate. They make you fear to express yourself and soon after institute a policy of reporting on “suspicious neighbors”.
The storm clouds are coming folks. The warnings are there. If we don’t take action now, we may have to take other, less desirable action later. Get involved, fight back and do not ever accept “security” as a reason to give up your rights.

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For more good stuff visit my main page: Tim's Incredibly Conservative Blog

Administration in DC and old style Chicago politics are one in the same.

The administration continues its stellar record of lies, deceit, corruption and cronyism. The EPA has granted an exemption to one of the nation’s 143 oil refineries. The exemption is a matter of record, except the name of the refinery has been withheld.
The exemption from expensive ethanol blending requirements is a virtual big payday for the refinery, yet the EPA cites ‘confidentiality restrictions’ when asked for details of who and where the site is.  The EPA’s 89-page ruling states that the “EPA has approved a single small refinery/small refiner exemption for 2013, so an adjustment has been made to the standards to account for this exemption.” The EPA has, so far, declined to comment.
Exemptions like these can mean huge dollars for the refiner in question. The real question here is who benefits and what is their relationship to the White House? The trail of money from the Obama administration to former campaign donors  is less of a trail and more of a super-highway. Whether the EPA will reveal the name of its mystery exemption recipient remains unknown.  What is known, is that once again a government agency is hiding the truth about an action it has taken.
How can an agency tasked with protecting the environment for the United States have any secrets from the public for which it works? There is absolutely no reason this information should be considered confidential. If for no other reason than to avoid the embarrassment of all the suspicion and speculation, the EPA should be trumpeting the name of the refiner and the detailed reasons why the exemption was granted. We are left to assume the worst, which, in this administration, has been the rule, rather than the exception. This is a huge payoff to some refinery. It may only amount to a few million dollars, which is small when compared to the normal monetary values associated with the oil industry, but is still a huge payday for at least one refinery and its owner.
We shouldn’t forget that 80% of the Department of Energy’s $20.5 billion green energy loans went to President Obama’s top donors. Remember Solyndra? You know, that company that was a bust before it ever produced a product and left the American taxpayers holding the $530 million dollar debt? That is but one example, there are too many to list here. Suffice to say, had George Bush pulled any of this stuff the media would be screaming for his head on a platter. Yet this stuff simply slides off Obama like water off a goose.
It’s time to wake up folks. It is time to demand that YOUR government needs to return to running this country according to the will of the people. The greedy, vile politics need to stay in Chicago, where corruption is the norm, the baseball teams suck and the crime rate is off the charts. This behavior has no business in Washington, DC. The folks at the EPA need to show us that information on who got this exemption and why.  Then we can begin to piece the trail together that will no doubt lead to the White House and a press conference where Jay Carney will tell us the White House was unaware of this and refer us to the EPA. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
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Is the Obama Administration forcing reporters to keep quiet?

Last week CNN had an interview with one of the people associated with the terrorist attack on Benghazi. The story was rather explosive and pointed out the fact that the FBI had made no contact with this gentleman [terrorist]. This should have been a bombshell. It should have had huge implications to us as Americans and to the news media in general. The obvious lack of investigation by the FBI, or the sheer incompetence of the FBI should be of major concern to everyone.
Then last Thursday, (Aug, 01), CNN blew a story wide open concerning the presence of over 30 CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on the night of the attack on the consulate. Rumors even began to swirl about some sort of weapons running operation being run out of the CIA annex, possibly related to the Syrian rebels.
So yesterday the White House holds a press briefing and virtually no one nailed Jay Carney with the hundreds of potential questions one could ask about these two news stories. Questions about FBI incompetence or cover-up? Questions about why we haven’t seen those thirty some CIA folks testifying before Congress? No such questions arose.
It appears that the White House press corps is afraid to ask anything that might embarrass this administration. The media should be ashamed of itself for not actually reporting the news and for not digging for the truth, no matter the consequences. There are far too many political agendas in the media rather than good old-fashioned reporting these days. I am not sure how the current crop of crooks in the White House is keeping these reporters quiet, but the media needs to buck up and tell the truth and bury this administration. The lies and cover-ups have gone on too long. It’s time to take off the kid gloves , get in the ring and make these folks we elected tell the truth. We all know that Benghazi was more than the White House claims. We all know they flat-out lied for over two weeks about some video and a protest that NEVER HAPPENED! The level of corruption in this administration, from Fast and Furious, lies to congress, failure to provided documents, to the IRS scandal where the failure of the FBI to as yet not do ANY investigation, is enough to make anyone sick. The news media should be like hungry sharks, smelling blood in the water. Why they are not makes me suspicious. What exactly does the administration have on the whole press corps that could make them give up their normal bloodthirsty behavior? This President makes Nixon look like a choir boy and yet he gets treated with kid gloves. I find that unacceptable.
I find the press lacking in initiative, We spent many years getting rid of a King and writing a Constitution so we could have freedoms. Freedom of speech being the most important. To the folks in the media I say it’s time to take this administration apart. Forget the politics and just go after the corrupt, criminal jackasses in the White House, The Dept. of Justice and the IRS. Burn it down.
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A crisis happens every time the heat rises on the Administration.

Maybe its just me. Maybe I see ulterior motives in everything that happens in Washington,DC. Perhaps I am right though.
A few weeks back when the press was all over John Kerry for being out on his yacht during the coup in Egypt and the press was all over him about it, his wife was suddenly gravely illYet we have heard little to nothing since about her condition. The “story” however, was effective at diverting attention from the John Kerry story. The news media was all over her visit to the hospital and attention was shifted away.
This week as the heat on Benghazi rose to near inferno levels in the media with the revelations about the CIA warning employees not to talk to the media or Congress and with CNN scooping an interview with a purported participant in the attack on Benghazi, we suddenly have a full blown emergency in the middle east. The embassies in most of the middle east are closing and there are travel warnings for Americans travelling globally. The reason for the alert is unclear as of this writing, but the effect is stunning. Fox News has devoted far more attention to this “crisis” and diverted itself from its relentless Benghazi coverage. You can bet that CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC will have nary a word on Benghazi on this evenings news.
benghazi_fire1Where there is smoke, there is often fire. Call me paranoid, but just think about how convenient these “crisis” situations are. I could be wrong but on the other hand…
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Racism is a funny thing. Perspectives vary widely.

Racism is a funny thing. It’s all about who you talk to and the perspective you have. When it comes right down to it, there are a lot of self-serving organizations that promote racial equality, while all the while bad mouthing any other organization that doesn’t promote their narrow agenda.
If you look up “black political organizations” on Google you will find quite a few listed, but in the listings you won’t see “Black Supremacist” show up on the first page. Now try the same search using “white political organizations”. Your results will be stunningly different. Apparently if you support a pro-white group you are labeled as a racist, supremacist. Should you promote a similar agenda under the pro-black banner you are a community organization.
Now I am not saying that a lot of pro-white groups are not outright racist, radical groups, that goes without saying, but there are just as many race baiting, narrow-minded, black, muslim and several other races/group organizations out there.
Below is a short list of examples of organizations that really don’t have nationally accepted counterparts.
  • NAACP – Great organization that promotes equality for blacks in america.
    NAAWP – No such organization and if there was one, by god the media would label it racist in a heartbeat.
  • Congressional Black Caucus – Comprised of African-American members of the U.S. House of representatives who serve as a catalyst for the economic, educational, and social concerns of blacks and other lesser represented Americans of varied backgrounds.
    Congressional White Caucus – It would be political suicide!
There are numerous organizations for every ethnic group and many religions, but lately if you belong to any of the Christian groups you are labeled a radical or immediately considered to be on the fringes of society. The media, which caters to the minorities and radical groups is almost zealous in its persecution of any pro-majority group.
Frankly, I am tired of apologizing because I was born white and christian. I don’t believe in labels and I am certainly not prejudiced in any matter whatsoever. I believe that all people should be judged on who they are, not what they are. Equality means rewarding hard work and natural abilities, not providing unequal treatment based on race, color or creed. That’s what the Constitution says and by god that is the way this country should be run.
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Just another Executive order, Mandatory HIV testing? Uh, Nope.

On July 16th, 2013 our President issued an Executive order concerning HIV testing and prevention. You can read the entire Executive Order here.
Now of course I am not a fan of the twit in the White House, but I am also not a fan of people spreading false rumors. The rumor mill on this executive order is that it requires some sort of mandatory testing for all Americans. If that were so, I would be screaming my fool head off. As a matter of fact when I sat down to type this article I had every intent of skewering the White House for such outrageous behavior. However, I actually read the Executive Order and must say there is no evidence of any subversive program aimed at collecting blood from all Americans. Go to the website I linked in the first paragraph and READ the Order. You may also simply do a find for the word testing and read the applicable sentences.
For those who don’t want to read the whole thing here are the applicable quotes:
 These findings highlight the importance of prompt HIV diagnosis, and because of recent advances in HIV testing technology, HIV can be detected sooner and more rapidly than ever before.” No mandatory testing edict here.
Based on these and other data, recommendations for HIV testing and treatment have changed. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends that clinicians screen all individuals ages 15 to 65 years for HIV, and the Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines for Use of Antiretroviral Agents now recommends offering treatment to all adolescents and adults diagnosed with HIV.” They recommend screening, it is not mandatory and only when visiting a clinician.
The Act is expanding access to recommended preventive services with no out-of-pocket costs, including HIV testing, and, beginning in 2014, insurance companies will not be able to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions, including HIV.” Looks like this paragraph concerns access to services and testing.
“It is the policy of my Administration that agencies implementing the Strategy prioritize addressing the continuum of HIV care, including by accelerating efforts to increase HIV testing, services, and treatment along the continuum.” Nothing here but looking for an increase in testing, nothing mandatory.
“The Initiative will support further integration of HIV prevention and care efforts; promote expansion of successful HIV testing and service delivery models; encourage innovative approaches to addressing barriers to accessing testing and treatment; and ensure that Federal resources are appropriately focused on implementing evidence-based interventions that improve outcomes along the HIV care continuum.” Promotes expansion of testing and access to testing and services.
“(i) request and review information from agencies describing efforts to improve testing, care, and treatment outcomes, and determine if there is appropriate emphasis on addressing the HIV care continuum in relation to other work concerning the domestic epidemic;” Nothing here to indicate anything but improving testing and treatment.
The bottom line here is that folks need to lighten up and relax. Although I am sure this Executive Order will cost us taxpayers a bundle, it is not part of some evil conspiracy to test us all and get our DNA via blood samples. While that would be a clever idea on the part of those in power, it is simply well beyond their limited scope of thinking, at least at the present time.
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It Was 1969 And America Was On The Moon.

It was on this day in 1969 that the Eagle landed on the moon. The Lunar Excursion Module was crewed by mission commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin. The landing occurred at 3:18pm EST (4:18 EDT).
I remember being glued to the television that summer day. It was simply the coolest thing I had ever seen. Back then the astronauts were rock stars and easily as popular as the Beatles or the Stones. Those simple words, “the eagle has landed”, filled Americans with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Even though we were in the middle of the cold war and the Vietnam war was a mess, it still seemed like all was well with the world. We were on the moon, we didn’t need to apologize to anyone and by god, we were the only nation on earth capable of such a feat. Life truly was less complicated then.
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