Sunday, September 8, 2013

Administration in DC and old style Chicago politics are one in the same.

The administration continues its stellar record of lies, deceit, corruption and cronyism. The EPA has granted an exemption to one of the nation’s 143 oil refineries. The exemption is a matter of record, except the name of the refinery has been withheld.
The exemption from expensive ethanol blending requirements is a virtual big payday for the refinery, yet the EPA cites ‘confidentiality restrictions’ when asked for details of who and where the site is.  The EPA’s 89-page ruling states that the “EPA has approved a single small refinery/small refiner exemption for 2013, so an adjustment has been made to the standards to account for this exemption.” The EPA has, so far, declined to comment.
Exemptions like these can mean huge dollars for the refiner in question. The real question here is who benefits and what is their relationship to the White House? The trail of money from the Obama administration to former campaign donors  is less of a trail and more of a super-highway. Whether the EPA will reveal the name of its mystery exemption recipient remains unknown.  What is known, is that once again a government agency is hiding the truth about an action it has taken.
How can an agency tasked with protecting the environment for the United States have any secrets from the public for which it works? There is absolutely no reason this information should be considered confidential. If for no other reason than to avoid the embarrassment of all the suspicion and speculation, the EPA should be trumpeting the name of the refiner and the detailed reasons why the exemption was granted. We are left to assume the worst, which, in this administration, has been the rule, rather than the exception. This is a huge payoff to some refinery. It may only amount to a few million dollars, which is small when compared to the normal monetary values associated with the oil industry, but is still a huge payday for at least one refinery and its owner.
We shouldn’t forget that 80% of the Department of Energy’s $20.5 billion green energy loans went to President Obama’s top donors. Remember Solyndra? You know, that company that was a bust before it ever produced a product and left the American taxpayers holding the $530 million dollar debt? That is but one example, there are too many to list here. Suffice to say, had George Bush pulled any of this stuff the media would be screaming for his head on a platter. Yet this stuff simply slides off Obama like water off a goose.
It’s time to wake up folks. It is time to demand that YOUR government needs to return to running this country according to the will of the people. The greedy, vile politics need to stay in Chicago, where corruption is the norm, the baseball teams suck and the crime rate is off the charts. This behavior has no business in Washington, DC. The folks at the EPA need to show us that information on who got this exemption and why.  Then we can begin to piece the trail together that will no doubt lead to the White House and a press conference where Jay Carney will tell us the White House was unaware of this and refer us to the EPA. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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