Sunday, September 8, 2013

Is the Obama Administration forcing reporters to keep quiet?

Last week CNN had an interview with one of the people associated with the terrorist attack on Benghazi. The story was rather explosive and pointed out the fact that the FBI had made no contact with this gentleman [terrorist]. This should have been a bombshell. It should have had huge implications to us as Americans and to the news media in general. The obvious lack of investigation by the FBI, or the sheer incompetence of the FBI should be of major concern to everyone.
Then last Thursday, (Aug, 01), CNN blew a story wide open concerning the presence of over 30 CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi on the night of the attack on the consulate. Rumors even began to swirl about some sort of weapons running operation being run out of the CIA annex, possibly related to the Syrian rebels.
So yesterday the White House holds a press briefing and virtually no one nailed Jay Carney with the hundreds of potential questions one could ask about these two news stories. Questions about FBI incompetence or cover-up? Questions about why we haven’t seen those thirty some CIA folks testifying before Congress? No such questions arose.
It appears that the White House press corps is afraid to ask anything that might embarrass this administration. The media should be ashamed of itself for not actually reporting the news and for not digging for the truth, no matter the consequences. There are far too many political agendas in the media rather than good old-fashioned reporting these days. I am not sure how the current crop of crooks in the White House is keeping these reporters quiet, but the media needs to buck up and tell the truth and bury this administration. The lies and cover-ups have gone on too long. It’s time to take off the kid gloves , get in the ring and make these folks we elected tell the truth. We all know that Benghazi was more than the White House claims. We all know they flat-out lied for over two weeks about some video and a protest that NEVER HAPPENED! The level of corruption in this administration, from Fast and Furious, lies to congress, failure to provided documents, to the IRS scandal where the failure of the FBI to as yet not do ANY investigation, is enough to make anyone sick. The news media should be like hungry sharks, smelling blood in the water. Why they are not makes me suspicious. What exactly does the administration have on the whole press corps that could make them give up their normal bloodthirsty behavior? This President makes Nixon look like a choir boy and yet he gets treated with kid gloves. I find that unacceptable.
I find the press lacking in initiative, We spent many years getting rid of a King and writing a Constitution so we could have freedoms. Freedom of speech being the most important. To the folks in the media I say it’s time to take this administration apart. Forget the politics and just go after the corrupt, criminal jackasses in the White House, The Dept. of Justice and the IRS. Burn it down.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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