Friday, September 13, 2013

As Syria Controversy Settles, Benghazi Returns to Spotlight

The Benghazi attack of Sept. 11th, 2012 is once again gaining some traction in the news media as we still wait for answers from the White House and the CIA on what really happened there on the evening that saw 4 Americans die and our consulate burned. The Syrian crisis is on hold for now and the White House distraction of the last 2 weeks has run its course. That little foray into diplomacy by threat of bombs didn’t go well and left the President looking rather amateurish in his bumbling efforts to put those Syrians in line. The truth is he was outplayed by Vladimir Putin in a game of political/international chess.
This week we began to hear more about a CIA operation running guns to Syrian rebels out of Libya. It appears that the latest operation was abandoned when Islamic radicals stole weapons from a site in Libya. The question now is how that gun running mission was tied to the consulate in Benghazi, if at all. Of course it does appear odd that a consulate would have approximately 2 dozen CIA folks running about if not for some sort of major operation. That seems a much more plausible reason for the Libyan attack.
The CIA has announced that 20 of their folks will finally be available to testify before Congress in the upcoming weeks. Perhaps then we may get some final confirmation on the fact that this was an attack and not a protest that got out of hand. Then we need to start grilling folks at the White House and State Department to see who came up with the outright, bold-faced lie about some video being the reason that 4 people died in Benghazi. Perhaps then they can also explain why they continued this lie for more than 2 weeks when the preponderance of evidence clearly showed otherwise.
Maybe we can get some answers. I for one have no clue why this whole situation has taken so long to resolve. The American people deserve the truth and Congress has shown that, at best, it is just as incompetent and bumbling as the White House. It is all political in nature of course and that is the real problem in Washington, DC. When politics comes before doing the right thing truth becomes a casualty and justice becomes lost in a haze of news conferences and maneuvering as politicians seeks to score political points and forget the real reason that they exist. Our servants in DC all need a reminder of who they work for and that job performance is directly tied to their continued employment. Unfortunately the media is complicit in this whole mess because reporting is more about rating than getting to the truth.
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