Sunday, September 8, 2013

Barack Houdini Obama is a Master of Misdirection.

We have all seen magicians at work. They create their illusions by simple misdirection. It’s very easy and when done right it is amazingly effective. The magician uses mostly visual misdirection but the spoken word can be just as effective. This brings us to the genius in the White House and his assistants. Mr. Barack Houdini Obama has pulled off an amazing trick and we are all the suckers who have bought into it. Just take a look at any news site or news channel.
A little over a week ago the internet and the news agencies were buzzing with stories on the various scandals in Washington, DC. The IRS targeting scandal was beginning to lead right to the steps of the White House. The NSA scandal proved with each press release that the President and his Director of National Intelligence were both fluent liars. The buzz on Fast and Furious was dying a bit, but there was the occasional post on the internet and maybe a weekly story on the major news outlets. Benghazi was still at the forefront of many people’s minds and was covered with regularity on Fox News and on many conservative web sites. Then some idiot in Syria decided to use some chemical weapons…
Yesterday and today I paid close attention to the news and the internet and guess what I found? There was zero stories on any of the major scandals affecting the White House. Fox News was chock full of stories on Syria, on Congress and how they should vote on Syria, on experts telling us what to target in Syria. The same held true for NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN. MSNBC was, as usual, doing stories on some unrelated liberal, left-wing, communist, crap, that no one cares about anyway. As for all the scandals, the silence was deafening.
Now how did we get to this sorry state of affairs? Well, Obama pulled a fast one on everyone. The usually timid, anti-war, clueless president suddenly said “I want to bomb Syria!”. Whoa!, we all responded, shouting about his tyrannical behavior and his decision to unilaterally go after a sovereign nation without Congressional approval. That really got the attention of both the mainstream and the conservative media outlets. It also got every member of Congress to wake up yelling “you need to get permission from us first!”. That got the attention of the press, as the pundits spoke about constitutional issues and the internet buzzed with posts about bombing Syria or don’t bomb Syria. The hills were alive with the sound of concern (sorry, not music), about the consequences of intervention in Syria. How will the Iranians and Russians and Turks and well, everyone on earth, react? What might happen to our allies in Israel? Then we got all the media and the public more confused when Obama announced that he would see what Congress had to say via a vote. Then we had news agencies feeding us stories about those bad Syria rebels or those poor dead Syrian children. It was a pretty crazy week. Most of us don’t know what to think, although I believe the majority of Americans just don’t want to get involved in another war with a bunch of ungrateful bastards who won’t ever thank us anyway.
So Obama then spends his weekend doing this G20 conference in Russia and the news is all over the meeting between the President and Mr. Putin. There is much speculation as to how that will turn out, but we are all disappointed when Putin doesn’t ask Obama to go out back and have a good old fist fight. Nonetheless, the G20 sucks up hours and hours of news coverage time. Now Congress will return this week and maybe after a lot of meetings and backroom deals they will vote on this “bomb Syria” idea. The situation of course will be covered by reporters far and wide and nary a minute’s coverage will be spent on news like the government violating your fourth amendment rights on a daily basis or the IRS looking to screw some political opponent of the present regime. No we will see hours of expert reports on the in and outs of blowing stuff up in a country that most of us really don’t give a shit about. The President will look good no matter which way the vote goes and will either blame Congress for being weak on foreign policy or praise them for following his great wisdom.
And that my friends is how you perform freaking magic. In about one week our attention has been totally diverted from impeachable scandals of an incompetent administration to the bombing of some god forsaken desert country that 3 weeks ago none of us gave a crap about. After all, the first 100,000 casualties barely caused a stir in the media. The misdirection is complete and was exceedingly effective. Look at what has been posted recently on the internet.
Poof! scandals are gone and getting the media to shift gears back to them is going to be a slow process. That means that Congress will also lose interest and hearings may or may not continue. It really was one amazingly fantastic trick and I give the S.O.B. in the White House some credit.
Now that the show is almost over, we need to get back to getting the answers to all those questions that were a high priority a few weeks back: Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, the NSA.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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