Sunday, September 8, 2013

The IRS scandal is real, but no firings yet?

So we know the IRS was targeting conservative groups. We have heard testimony in Congress and the press has given a great deal of coverage to the details. What started out with a supposed 2 rogue agents has now grown into at least 88 agents and god knows how many administrators. We can all agree that what the IRS did was wrong and that folks should be held accountable.
What I didn’t hear during the first day of congressional hearings was one question: “How many folks have you fired so far?“. Why are any of the folks involved still employed? They violated the rules, they undermined the credibility of their agency and the administration in the White House. These people should be terminated immediately. If they wish to come forward and explain why they did this and where the orders came from fine, but they should still be fired. As a government civil servant they had a responsibility to say no and to report their superiors up the chain of command or to the IG.
I want to see 88 people minimum on the unemployment line for this mess and I want to see it now. Hopefully we see more than firings, but I am not exactly sure what laws these servants broke. They work for us folks, not the other way around and as their bosses the American people need to demand their immediate termination.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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