Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why do we want everything “safe”? Hint: we don’t, the government does.

So, a few hundred years ago a few folks came to North America and decided to build a country. Nothing was safe, nothing was guaranteed. There were food shortages, Indians and all sorts of new and dangerous wildlife to deal with. The initial colonists survived and went on to build a prosperous new land until new dangers arose. Those dangers came from a King across the sea who began to think that those in the new world somehow owed him something. As we all know, those early colonists finally said enough of this crap and threw the King and his army out of the what was to become the United States. They didn’t need a government to tell them the right thing to do. The issue in fact, was a government that had overstepped its bounds and needed to be replaced with a new set of rules and a new set of leaders.
The new citizens of the USA moved west, battling the terrain, the weather and other obstacles. They didn’t have any guarantee of success or survival. No one paid their way except private citizens who knew what had to be done and had the foresight to see a buck could be made through progress.
Today we have a world where our kids are raised to do everything safely, take no risks and never question authority. As our government slowly taxes us into poverty and wastes the money it collects on a variety of useless programs and free handouts to those who choose not to work. The message today is: “don’t worry, the government is watching out for you”. Unfortunately, history has proven time and time again that governments are not watching out for anyone except the small group that is in charge. Suddenly safety and protection means protecting us from those who threaten the government, not those who threaten the people. The government slowly but surely removes our rights one by one in the name of protecting the public. In the meantime the government becomes all powerful and the people become its servants.
The current group of twits in DC need to remember that the last time this happened we woke up and kicked King George’s ass and sent his troops packing. I have no doubt that when the situation becomes bad enough that we will do the right thing and make the not so safe play of removing those in power, rewriting the rules and starting over. If the folks in DC don’t wake up soon, they will find themselves on the losing end of one very bad situation.
Have a happy and safe Memorial Day.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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