Sunday, September 8, 2013

Those Crazy But Clever Hoodlums

A few years back some of the local hoodlums on the east coast got together and decided to extort a few bucks from the local businesses. It really worked good for these guys. After all they had for the most part never had a real job and taking money from those who did work seemed like a great idea and made them a lot of money. Of course they kept the peace by spreading the wealth throughout their local community where they helped out here and there. They spent just enough in the right places to keep the pressure off themselves and the public at bay. Every time they got in trouble they reminded the locals that they owed them and things were smoothed over and they kept on earning the big bucks.
After a while people just came to see them as a necessary evil. After all they helped out with donations to feed people and sometimes even donated housing. This of course made them an indispensable part of the local community. Soon the folks were as dependent upon them as they were upon the locals.
Like all such arrangements, things eventually went wrong. The hoodlums began to get greedy. They wanted more. A bigger cut of everything. Those folks they had helped in the past also wanted a bigger cut from the hoodlums. It was a vicious cycle. So the hoods soon began to go after more than businesses. They went after farmers and even the local guy who worked at the local factory. All the while keeping the community silent by doling out a cut to the folks who could keep them in power and out of trouble. Make no mistake, these guys were real good at dealing harshly with those who challenged their authority. The community felt powerless and while they complained in private they did nothing to stand up to these ruthless con artists and soulless gangsters. These guys seemed to have control of everything. Imports, exports, shipping, even the roads.
Occasionally the hoods ran into a roadblock here and there. They would want of a piece of the action on some new product or service and folks would say “enough already!”. But after a while through clever manipulation of the community and the press these hoods would eventually find their way into the new product or service and get their piece of the action. Over years and years these guys had become part of the very fabric of society. They never really worked anywhere, they just stole from those who did.
You are probably wondering how this story ends. Well to date, it hasn’t yet ended. You see those hoodlums are still out there doing virtually nothing, getting a rather large piece of the action and doling out cash to those who can keep them in power. They report to their headquarters on a regular basis and discuss matters in their offices while the public stands by and does nothing. They wear suits and ties and smile for the cameras and shake hands with the public and lie to their faces about how important they are and how they just need another small cut of the action so they can help the community.
…and you know the worst part? We just keep voting these bastards in Washington, DC back into office year after year…
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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