Sunday, September 8, 2013

Racism is a funny thing. Perspectives vary widely.

Racism is a funny thing. It’s all about who you talk to and the perspective you have. When it comes right down to it, there are a lot of self-serving organizations that promote racial equality, while all the while bad mouthing any other organization that doesn’t promote their narrow agenda.
If you look up “black political organizations” on Google you will find quite a few listed, but in the listings you won’t see “Black Supremacist” show up on the first page. Now try the same search using “white political organizations”. Your results will be stunningly different. Apparently if you support a pro-white group you are labeled as a racist, supremacist. Should you promote a similar agenda under the pro-black banner you are a community organization.
Now I am not saying that a lot of pro-white groups are not outright racist, radical groups, that goes without saying, but there are just as many race baiting, narrow-minded, black, muslim and several other races/group organizations out there.
Below is a short list of examples of organizations that really don’t have nationally accepted counterparts.
  • NAACP – Great organization that promotes equality for blacks in america.
    NAAWP – No such organization and if there was one, by god the media would label it racist in a heartbeat.
  • Congressional Black Caucus – Comprised of African-American members of the U.S. House of representatives who serve as a catalyst for the economic, educational, and social concerns of blacks and other lesser represented Americans of varied backgrounds.
    Congressional White Caucus – It would be political suicide!
There are numerous organizations for every ethnic group and many religions, but lately if you belong to any of the Christian groups you are labeled a radical or immediately considered to be on the fringes of society. The media, which caters to the minorities and radical groups is almost zealous in its persecution of any pro-majority group.
Frankly, I am tired of apologizing because I was born white and christian. I don’t believe in labels and I am certainly not prejudiced in any matter whatsoever. I believe that all people should be judged on who they are, not what they are. Equality means rewarding hard work and natural abilities, not providing unequal treatment based on race, color or creed. That’s what the Constitution says and by god that is the way this country should be run.
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