Sunday, September 8, 2013

A White House full of scandals.

The White House is buried in scandals and the folks occupying it don’t know anything. The didn’t have a clue when Solyndra cost the taxpayers over 525 million dollars. They didn’t realize that the folks running Solydra were major campaign contributors.
They didn’t know anything about a terrorist attack on Benghazi. It was a protest caused by a video no one had ever seen until they blamed it on a YouTube video. They continued that lie for over two weeks before admitting that it might have been a terror attack. Then they discouraged state department employees from testifying before Congress by threats and intimidation.
They knew nothing about the IRS targeting practices against conservative political groups. Yet the IRS boss had over 118 meetings with the White House in 2012. Apparently they didn’t discuss anything about IRS practices at these meetings.
Their attorney general was caught up in the Fast and Furious scandal and pretty much denied Congress access to hundreds of related documents. The White House even invoked executive privilege in an attempt to keep these documents out of the hands of Congress. The Congress held Mr. Holder in contempt and yet we still don’t have the full story on this one.
Now we have the Attorney General possibly lying to Congress about the investigation of a reporter at Fox News even though he signed off on the warrant to gather telephone and private email information. Additionally we have the DOJ also gathering info on the Associated Press phone records and email, including private records. The White House shrugged and said they knew nothing but supported the Dept. of Justice.
Apparently the White House doesn’t know much of anything about anything. They are either the most clueless administration in history or the most corrupt group ever to occupy the White House. Either way, it’s time for the American public to stand up and demand accountability. The media is finally paying attention at least relating to the Associated Press and IRS issues, but more needs to be done. The promises the Obama campaign made in 2008 remain empty. There is no transparency and no responsibility.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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