Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It is almost October and guess what? Incompetence Rules in DC

So here we go again. The bums in Congress who feed off the American taxpayer and do almost nothing to justify their existence are at it again. Turning the debt ceiling fight into the usual political drivel that occurs every year. The President and democrats will blame the republicans and the Republicans will blame the President and the democrats. They will maneuver and talk and have meetings and as usual do nothing until the last minute.
It is not like they didn’t see this coming. It happens every year and the results are predictably the same incredibly embarrassing mess that occur when those who are in charge are basically incompetent. Nothing gets done, nothing is resolved and the budget stays a complete disaster. The representatives and senators in DC use this time to get plenty of television exposure as they relay to us their plans for what to do about the impending government shutdown. We hear from the pundits who tell us the horrors of a government shutdown and how millions of folks will be affected by this doomsday scenario, which of course, congress could have avoided by doing their damned jobs on time and without politics and pet projects being the underlying reason to accomplish what we pay them to do.
The bottom line here is that we have an entrenched establishment of long time political incompetents on the payroll that we, as voters, have failed to fire. If these folks worked directly for us as employees they would have been on unemployment years ago. Instead we continue to think that maybe the replacements will be worse.
News flash here folks. Even if we elected an entire congress of brain-dead cantaloupes we would still be better off! So the next time you step into that polling booth do all of us a favor and fire the current son of a bitch that is there and vote for someone, anyone, else. Vote for Tea Party candidates, vote for that young guy or gal down the street that you know doesn’t have any “Washington, DC Experience“. When you do that and your neighbors do that and your friends do that, you will in some way shift the balance in Congress from the current idiots to new faces who will once again fear those masses of voters. Ignore the media because the talking heads on TV really don’t know crap. They are just in the business of telling you what some political group feeds them.
It is time to clean house in Washington, DC and replace the low-life dirt-bag scum currently occupying those seats with people who will answer to the public and live each and every day in fear of their jobs at the mercy of the most powerful force in America, the voters.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled surfing.
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